Wounded Man
Isaiah 53:5
Photography by Curtis Beaird
Poem by Norma Beaird
This story sounds familiar to the person seeking love,
About a gentle Spirit Who was harmless as a dove.
Who made His life obsession helping those with many needs,
The ones who lived in bondage to their pain and unbelief.
He gave to them compassion in the kindness of His eyes,
Extending hands of mercy was the mandate of His life.
Without a planned agenda, He arose to start the day,
While helping hurting people He would see along the way.
The ones so burdened by the cares that life can bring about,
And wounded by existence of the hopelessness and doubt.
This gentle Man of mercy touched the ones with blinded eyes,
And spoke the truth to those who were deceived by satan’s lies.
He healed the deaf and raised the lame and called unto the dead,
Who listened and came back to life from words that He had said.
He fed the hungry, quenched the thirst with water from above,
And touched the many doubters with the power of His love.
But though He helped the lowly, He would soon one day discover,
The pain that He would once endure was pain unlike no other.
For here He was the Man, Who helped those wounded in despair,
It soon would be His turn to hurt and not be treated fair.
The more He loved, the more He hurt and Christ had come to know,
That no matter how hard you try; a friend can turn to foe.
He bore a cross and wore a crown not jeweled, but full of thorns,
His body bore the stripes from those who mocked Him as they scorned.
Now if your life is full of pain and no one seems to care,
Just know that Jesus feels your hurt and had His cross to bear.
This life will never guarantee a day that’s free of pain,
But Jesus Christ can guarantee the power of His name.
So if the burdens of this life are in your feeble hands,
Give them to One Who understands; He was a Wounded Man.
Copyright 2006, Norma Beaird. All rights reserved.