Article and Photography by: Curtis Beaird
You can take control of your thoughts.
You are the master of your thoughts.
Recognize the situation.
Shadow thoughts gain the upper hand before we know it. First thoughts in the morning are critical. Yesterday’s problems seep through our nights. Lack of sleep, fatigue, persistent struggles, a steady diet of news designed to inflame, wars and rumors of wars....will all conspire to spoil our day at its beginning.
Manna, food for the soul we are told, is fresh every morning. Just choose the best from the light and think on that. Simple enough, right? Uh Huh.
Deep in our soul we know there is competition for our first thoughts. Too often, a leftover aggravation, or an argument that we are sure we could have won, grabs our attention before our feet touch the floor. Without realizing it, an old irritation seems to dictate our attitude. Frustration pushes faith aside.
While we have seen the light of day,
hope, promise and possibility are mired in yesterday’s mud.
But wait, there is more.
By the time we flip on the light, memory serves up a list of worries to include the forgotten trash we never moved to the curb, plus the real issue of breakfast with another forgotten…....
“Frank, we are out of milk.” And, “Why is Puddles in the house already?”
Good morning America, how are you?
Shadow thoughts, instant aggravations, the mere fact of being human, and the mistakes that go with us, can rule our minds if we let them. There is no reason to kid ourselves. Dark thoughts have the power to control. Dismal images can rule our imagination. They seem to have a power all their own. Here is the secret. They don’t. We choose the shadow. Take control.
Think on these things.
The practice of picking the bleak rather the best is a habit. Sorting things out may be necessary. But, why make a prison of the sorting? Spending more mental time with possibilities than the “if only I’da" is the way of hope. The Apostle Paul, to the Philippians, a people he loved, encouraged them to think on things that were true, honest, just, pure, and lovely. Lovely?! Yep. It is written right there in Philippians 4:8. In the same list he also included for our thinking time.........virtue, praise, and things of good report.
Easier said than done. But, it is doable.
The power of the shadow is indisputable. Its rough texture, seething demand and determined presence forces us into thinking it is the reality and all else is an illusion.
The shadow would have us to believe that the dark is the only choice. It would lead us to the conclusion that lovely and pure are weak and useless thoughts. Throw in a daily routine soaked in the images of war rattling with the rumors of wars, plus the forgotten trash, milk and who let Puddles in too soon…… and we fall prey to the shadow........
......until we choose otherwise.
Philippians 4:8 (King James Version)
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Copyright 2012, Curtis Beaird. All rights reserved.