Article and Photography By: Curtis Beaird
You don't have to listen close to hear that the glass is half-empty and about to be drained. Doom is pronounced on every hand. The dreary end is cited as an accomplished fact, even by those who once thought there was a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow.
And we wonder. What shall we do? Who shall we listen to?
The forward look is now controlled by the assumption that the bottom is about to drop out. Anticipation has turned to dread. Tomorrow is no longer welcomed. Its arrival creates anxiety, worry and doubt. How many of us are tired, even before we start the day?
The possibility of a bright future is automatically exchanged for a view of the abyss. Exhaustion is our reward.
And we wonder. What shall we do? Who shall we listen to?
Frowns are the face of choice today. Our sense of humor has been exchanged for sarcastic barbs. Criticism powers most, if not all, observation. Exposing the presumed and assumed ugly has been raised to an art form. Exploring the seedy and demeaning is the path of choice. Tabloid is relished. Honorable has been forgotten. Anticipation is nowhere to be found, unless it is the anticipation of the next wrong thing. We are sad.
And we wonder. What shall we do? Who shall we listen too?
Everyone waits for the other shoe to drop. It, whatever it is, is never right. Whatever "they" are doing is considered wrong.
Choose any subject, even the subject of the need for rain, and you will find an instant difference of opinion. "Push back", as it is called today. Argument is the communication of choice. We prefer anger to vision. We choose fear over courage. We indulge in preplanned disappointment rather than seek opportunity for creative risk-taking. We quit before we start or add the burden of denial to any new effort or project. “I really don't think this will work. But, I'll do it anyway."
And we wonder. What shall we do? Who shall we listen to?
To accomplish, should we bring ourselves to the point of actually trying, requires the double expenditure of energy. First, the energy spent to overcome our negative outlook, then the energy necessary to accomplish the goal. Our creativity is consumed in wasted effort to resist our own initiative.
And we wonder. Is there a source of motivation deeper than the froth of hype, and more lasting than the adrenaline rush of a moment of thrill?
Is it possible? Can we escape the way of insanity? Can we escape the downward pull of gloom? Can we escape the gravity of the perpetually grim? Can we find our way into a creative future?
All of this has been faced before. All of these questions have been answered by one man in a single sentence.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13
That one decision enabled the Apostle Paul to change his world and mark the future for almost 2000 years.
We no longer need to wonder........ What shall we do? Who shall we listen to?
But, will we?
Copyright 2012, Curtis Beaird. All rights reserved.