The Full Buck Moon, also known as the July 12th Supermoon
Vantage Point is Rural Georgia at 9:31 p.m. EST with 96% Humidity
Tonight's moon is a Waning Gibbous - 99.4% Illumination
Full Moon occurred at 7: 25 a.m. EST today
Photography by Curtis and Norma Beaird
Article by Norma Beaird
Tonight, we captured the beautiful Full Buck Moon, also known as the first of three Supermoons of 2014. It was extremely humid tonight. When we walked outside to put our cameras in the jeep, it was as though a cloud of mist had descended over the yard.
The very first pictures were fuzzy due to humidity so thick, you could cut it with a the old saying goes. It had rained earlier and we had cloud cover; however, the clouds begin to clear and we captured a rich, golden Supermoon.
The 100% full moon occurred at 7:25 a.m. EST today. Therefore, as the day progressed, the totally full phase of the moon transitioned into a Waning Gibbous by this evening. Full or waning, it was a gorgeous July moon!
According the Farmer's Almanac:
The Full Buck Moon – July July is normally the month when the new antlers of buck deer push out of their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur. It was also often called the Full Thunder Moon, for the reason that thunderstorms are most frequent during this time. Another name for this month’s Moon was the Full Hay Moon.
Supermoon Update:
Waning Gibbous Moon - 99.2% Illuminated
Vantage Point is Rural Georgia with 98% Humidity
July 13, 2914 at 12:20 a.m. EST
Copyright 2014, Curtis and Norma Beaird. All rights reserved.