By: Norma W. Beaird
When children think of Christmas, toy trains will fill their minds,
Or baby dolls and Santa, as they gladly stand in line.
To meet the white-haired giver of the gifts they truly treasure,
For Christmas is a time of fun, of candy, lights and pleasures.
But for the ones much older, it’s a time of added stress,
Of paying for the presents with a wallet holding less.
To hope that folks are happy with the gifts around the tree,
Is this the way that you describe, “What Christmas means to me”?
If all your Christmas means to you is candy, trees and gifts,
What does this say about the life that you intend to live?
The Christmas trees are beautiful and sparkling are the lights,
And fun is many parties and the festive winter nights.
If visions of your Christmas are the cards and candy canes,
And shopping malls and Santa as you peer through window panes.
Then life for you is empty in the way you try to live,
For Christmas is about the time that God gave us a Gift.
A Gift Who’s not found in a store or near a Christmas tree,
A Gift Who always fits the one who seeks and will believe.
This Gift is God’s Son Jesus, Who was born to give His life,
To be our Lord and Savior, He became our Sacrifice.
For every man and woman and for every boy and girl,
In humble, dark surroundings He arrived into this world.
For sin had stained a world so full of pain, despair and fear,
Until a day in Bethlehem when Jesus Christ appeared.
The Son born of a Virgin as foretold by prophet men,
In love endured a rugged cross to break the curse of sin.
The most important tree of all was placed on Calvary,
Where Jesus Christ my Savior gave His life and died for me.
Now when you think of Christmas, don’t forget what Christmas means,
It’s not about the trees and lights; it is the manger scene.
For Christmas started when the Lord was born upon this earth,
To give to us the Gift of Love through His prophetic birth.
So give your heart to Christ today and you’ll begin to see,
The love of God describes the phrase, “What Christmas means to me”.
Copyright 2005, Norma W. Beaird. All rights reserved.